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Green Oats with Crispy Gammon Garden Peas
Green Oats with Crispy Gammon Garden Peas

1m read

Green Oats with Crispy Gammon Garden Peas
XXX GREEN OATS With Crispy Gammon _ Garden Peas1



Today’s world tour is serving up something as delicious as it is unusual: green oats with crispy gammon and garden peas. While this sounds unconventional, oats have a nutty flavour reminiscent of rice and makes a quick alternative to risotto. Invented by Heston Blumenthal, this deviously simple dish will treat your guests to something spectacular.


Pea Purée



●      300g frozen peas



Blanch the peas in boiling water, until just soft. Strain and set aside 50g of peas. Blend the rest of the peas in a Defy Handheld Blender with the blending attachment, adding 62.5ml water and blend very well. Strain through a sieve again and set aside.


Green Oats



●      250ml oats

●      750ml water

●      Pinch of salt

●      Pea purée

●      Extra: Gammon strips that is cooked until crispy



Place the oats, water and salt in a pot on the gas hob of the Defy cooker and cook for about 5 minutes, or until the oats are cooked and soft. Stir in the pea purée and serve in a bowl with the extra peas and crispy gammon.

