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Get Cooking Now The Best Kitchen Appliances for a Home Without an Oven
Get Cooking Now The Best Kitchen Appliances for a Home Without an Oven

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Get Cooking Now: The Best Kitchen Appliances for a Home Without an Oven
Get Cooking Now The Best Kitchen Appliances for a Home Without an Oven1

While many of us are used to having an oven as fixtures in our home kitchen, not everyone has access to one. Whether you’re living in a tiny apartment or don’t want the hassle of having an oven, you can still make delicious meals without one.


In this article, we’ll explore the best kitchen appliances for a home without an oven and what additional appliances you might want to include in your arsenal.


Benefits of Home Appliances Without an Oven


Having a home without an oven doesn’t have to be a hindrance. In fact, there are some great benefits to having kitchen appliances without an oven.


Increased Versatility


Having multiple kitchen appliances gives you more options when it comes to cooking. Without an oven, you may think you can’t bake or roast, but you can still make a huge variety of dishes with the right kitchen appliances.




Kitchen appliances without an oven are often smaller and more compact than ovens, making them perfect for small spaces. Plus, you don’t have to devote an entire counter or wall to a large oven.




Smaller kitchen appliances are often more affordable than an oven, so they can be a great way to save money.


What are the best kitchen appliances for someone without an oven?


If you don't have a built-in oven, there are a range of kitchen appliances that can help you create delicious meals (aside from your standard cooktop).


A countertop convection oven is a great alternative to a traditional oven, as it can provide a similar cooking experience with the added bonus of saving space.


The microwave is an essential kitchen appliance that can be used to heat up food quickly and easily. It can also be used to cook some dishes, such as omelettes, quesadillas, and macaroni and cheese.


A slow cooker is also a great kitchen appliance for someone without an oven, as it allows you to cook meals slowly without watching the stove.


A pressure cooker is also a great option for creating a variety of meals quickly and with minimal effort.


A mini oven is perfect for making toast, but it can also be used to bake, broil, and roast foods. It’s a great option for people who love the crisp and crunch of baked or roasted foods.


Finally, an air fryer is a great appliance for those who want to enjoy fried foods without the fat and calories associated with deep-frying.


An induction cooktop is a great way to cook food without an oven. It uses magnetic fields to heat up the pan, so you can sauté, simmer, and fry food without an oven.


With these kitchen appliances, you can still enjoy flavourful meals without an oven. Let's unpack these further.


Are there any microwaves that double as ovens for those without an oven?


Yes, some microwaves double as ovens for those without an oven. These models are typically referred to as “Combo Ovens” and are designed to provide the same functionality as a traditional oven while offering a microwave's convenience.


The combination of both functions allows you to cook a variety of meals, from baking to roasting to steaming and more. These models often have additional features such as convection cooking, steam cleaning, and variable power levels. A Combo Oven is a great option if you're looking for a quality model without an oven.


Read our article Top 10 Small Home Appliances No Kitchen Should Be Without for more information.


Are there any slow cookers that can be used as an oven substitute?


Slow cookers can definitely be used as an oven substitute. These multi-cookers work by incorporating pressure cooking, slow cooking, and other functions that can be used in place of an oven.


They are versatile and can be used for baking, roasting, and steaming. They are also great for making soups, stews, and other dishes that require slow cooking. They offer convenience and can help to save time, energy, and money compared to using an oven.


What type of appliance can I buy to roast or grill food instead of using an oven?


If you're looking for an appliance to roast or grill food instead of using an oven, you may want to consider purchasing a countertop convection grill or rotisserie oven. These appliances use convection heating to circulate hot air around the food, helping to cook it evenly with a crispy exterior. They are often equipped with adjustable temperature settings, racks and trays, and timers.


Additionally, countertop convection grills and rotisserie ovens often require less energy than an oven, allowing for the potential for energy savings.


How can an air fryer replace an oven?


An air fryer is a great kitchen appliance for those who don't have an oven, as it can provide a similar cooking experience with fewer calories and fat. It works by circulating hot air around the food, cooking it quickly and evenly. The air fryer also eliminates the need for deep-frying, meaning you can enjoy your favourite fried foods without all the added fat and calories.


Air fryers are compact, making them a great option for those with limited counter space, and are great appliances for creating a variety of meals without an oven.


What alternate cooking methods can I use without an oven?


Aside from oven-cooking, there are many ways to prepare wholesome, healthy, tasty family meals, including the odd dessert. Here are some alternate cooking methods you can use on a traditional gas or electric stove.

●      Steaming: Steaming involves using a pot of boiling water and a steam basket for cooking food. Vegetables, seafood, and even eggs can be cooked this way.

●      Grilling: Grilling requires a stovetop, but it’s an easy way to make delicious meals. You can use a cast iron skillet or a griddle for cooking food like steak, burgers, and chicken.

●      Stir-frying: Stir-frying is a type of cooking that uses a wok or large pan over high heat to quickly cook vegetables and proteins. This is a great way to make healthy meals like stir-fries and fried rice.

●      Boiling: Boiling is a classic method for cooking pasta, potatoes, and vegetables. You can also make soups and stews by simmering ingredients in liquid over low heat.

●      Sauteing: Sauteing is a type of cooking that requires a pan and a small amount of oil. This cooking method is great for cooking vegetables, seafood, and meats.


No matter what type of meal you’re trying to make, there’s a cooking method that doesn’t require an oven. Try experimenting with these techniques to make delicious meals without an oven.


What other kitchen appliances can I purchase to compensate for not having an oven?


You may be surprised at the variety of smart appliances available to act as oven substitutes. Countertop convection ovens, toaster ovens, or a microwave oven are all great alternatives that can help you cook just about anything an oven can.


If you’re looking for a more traditional feel, you can try a cast-iron skillet over a gas stove top which can help you fry, bake, and even sauté foods. As mentioned, a pressure cooker or slow cooker are great for making soups, stews, and roasts. And, for baking, you can try a countertop bread maker or a countertop pizza oven. With a little creativity and the right appliances, you can still enjoy all of your favourite dishes without an oven - even cake!


Additional Kitchen Items for a Home Without an Oven


In addition to the kitchen appliances mentioned above, there are a few other items that can help make cooking without an oven easier. Here are some of the best kitchen items for a home without an oven.




A blender is a great way to make smoothies, soups, and sauces without an oven. It’s also a great way to make frozen drinks, such as margaritas and daiquiris.




A mixer is a great way to mix up ingredients without an oven. You can use it to make cake batter, cookie dough, and more.


Food Processor


A food processor is a great way to chop, dice, and blend ingredients without an oven. It’s perfect for making sauces, soups, and more.


Essential Kitchen Appliances in the Modern Home


Cooking without an oven is a great way to make delicious meals in a fraction of the time. Whether you’re looking to boil, sauté, fry, bake, or even grill food, there are a variety of alternative appliances that can help you achieve the same results. For those looking for a more traditional experience, a cast-iron skillet over a gas stove top or a pressure cooker is a great option.


For more modern kitchens, countertop convection ovens, toaster ovens, microwave ovens, rotisserie ovens, and bread makers are all great alternatives to traditional ovens. (And who doesn't love the smell of freshly baked bread?)


Of course, we haven't forgotten the essential role of our trusty dishwasher, refrigerator, freezer and kitchen scale. We know how important these are for busy families!


Shop for Defy products, which offer fantastic kitchen appliances and other electronics that make cooking without an oven a breeze. So you can enjoy all your favourite dishes without all the fuss.

