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The Different Types Of Ovens And Their Designed Uses
The Different Types Of Ovens And Their Designed Uses

1m read

The Different Types of Ovens and Their Designed Uses
The Different Types Of Ovens And Their Designed Uses1

Choice is great, but it does mean that we must sometimes do a little more homework before we invest in an item. For example, do you know the different types of ovens available and what they are best used for?


It may seem like a redundant question - after all, ovens are used for cooking food, right? But with so many new and exciting features available in today’s models, you’d be forgiven for not knowing all the particulars when it comes time to shop.


When you're cooking for your family and friends, it's important to know the different types of ovens and how they work. This way, you can select the right oven type for your needs and make sure that it helps you to create the magic that you need in your kitchen.


Gas Ovens


Gas ovens aren’t nearly as popular as we feel they should be!


First off, it’s worth noting that gas ovens are more expensive than electric ovens. They also require a gas line to be installed. But, once you’ve worked through those initial costs, you’ve got yourself an efficient, hard-working kitchen partner. Ovens are undeniably greedy appliances, and in our current energy crisis, it makes sense to want to reduce our reliance on electricity if we can.


Today’s gas ovens are just as precise and effective at grilling, baking, and roasting as electric ovens are. They're also very reliable, so if you want to cook a wide variety of foods in your home kitchen without worrying about whether or not your appliance is going to work or whether you’ll have the electricity to use it - this is the way to go.


Microwave Ovens


Microwaves are brilliantly convenient home appliances. Entry-level microwaves are ideal for reheating or defrosting food at speed or for a quick dinner for one.


Microwaves use a form of electromagnetic radiation that can be used to cook food quickly. When microwaves enter the food, they are absorbed by polar molecules such as water, which causes them to vibrate and create friction.


This internal friction creates heat inside the food, cooking it rapidly.

This kind of cooking is convenient, but it won’t create crispy roast dinners, crunchy cookies, or a fluffy cake.


However, today we are spoiled for choice with various combination appliances that combine the convenience of a microwave with a convection mode which uses a heating element and a fan. While usually smaller than your average oven, convection microwave ovens are a veritable powerhouse and easily switch between super-fast microwave cooking and “traditional” modes of grilling or roasting to perfection.


Convection Ovens


Convection ovens are a little different from standard electric ovens in that they use a fan to circulate hot air around the food. This is advantageous because it allows for faster cooking times and more even heating. This makes convection ovens also more efficient, which means you will save money on your electric bill if you choose to purchase one of these appliances.


Convection ovens are your best friend if you’re a fan of baking and roasting. They're also great for cooking large quantities of food at once, so if you’ve got a big family or a small business, these are a great option as they are available in a single or double oven variant.


Steam Ovens


Steam ovens are another appliance focused on speed - while also keeping in all those essential nutrients.


Steam ovens make use of water from an attached tank and siphon this into the oven cavity creating super-heated steam. This environment allows your food to cook quickly, as it would in a conventional oven, but it also keeps it deliciously moist. It’s convenient when cooking multiple dishes at the same time, keeping flavours separate while saving on energy.


Having a steam-assisted cooking function on a regular oven is just an added bonus for budding chefs and foodies alike.


Choose the Right Type of Oven For You!


As we’ve seen, there are many different types of ovens, and each one satisfies a particular need.


The type you choose depends on what kind of food you want to cook, how much time you have available, and whether or not an alternative method would be more suitable (such as using a stovetop or an air fryer instead).


Whatever your needs are, you know that Defy has something just for you. Take a look at our range of options and decide for yourself!

