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The Logic Behind a Gas and Electric Stove Combo in South Africa
The Logic Behind a Gas and Electric Stove Combo in South Africa

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The Logic Behind a Gas and Electric Stove Combo in South Africa
The Logic Behind a Gas and Electric Stove Combo in South Africa1

So you’re busy cooking - the potatoes are in the oven, the salad is done and chicken schnitzels are sizzling away on the hob. You turn to flip the schnitzels when suddenly the power cuts and you’re left standing in the darkness holding the spatula like a weapon with a gasp of horror in your throat! You forgot about load shedding!


Luckily, in this scenario, you’re cooking on a gas and electric stove combo. The gas burners are firing away faithfully and all you need to do is save the potatoes. You simply transfer them from the oven to a free burner. Not quite what you had in mind, but dinner is under control!  


Saving your dinner during unexpected power outages is just one of the many good reasons to invest in an electric stove combination and this article will get you up to speed.


The Best of Both


A gas and electric stove combo is a cooker that has an electric oven coupled with a gas hob (never the other way around). Having the two different fuel sources means you can use your stove to its full advantage. All the benefits of a gas hob are combined with the simplicity of an electric oven.


Here is a quick list of some of the specific benefits you get with an electric oven and gas hob combination:

The Gas Hob Section

●      Reduces the overall electricity usage of the cooker

●      Availability of instant heat matched with minimal residual heat

●      Temperature control is easy and precise


The Electric Oven Section

●      Consistent heating

●      Generally easier to use and more predictable than gas ovens

●      Superior roasting, grilling, and baking for crispy and deeply browned dishes


As you can see, there are some excellent reasons to consider purchasing a gas hob and electric oven combo. Let’s take a closer look at why this gas-electric pairing makes so much sense. 


Are Electric Ovens Better?


Most people learn how to cook with an electric oven, and for them, transitioning to the full gas method of cooking can be tricky. You can’t use the same cooking style between gas and electric ovens. So, dishes you might have cooked to perfection suddenly become something of a hit and miss. The length of cooking time, how often you check the food, and even temperature settings are all somewhat different.


Gas ovens tend to have temperature fluctuations and are prone to hotspots because all the heat comes from gas burners along the bottom of the compartment. Additionally, gas combustion retains a little more natural moisture, which is great for the flavour of food but prevents the crispiness you might be trying to achieve.


Thus, despite all the advantages of gas cooking, electric ovens remain the popular choice because they’re more straightforward to use. That being said, gas ovens do produce excellent food when you understand how they work.

It is much less complicated to regulate cooking heat with an electrically powered oven. The consistent and predictable baking ability makes electric ovens easier to operate. After all, who wants weeknight cooking to be harder than it is already?  


Are Gas Hobs Better?


Gas has long been the preferred option for stovetop cooking. If you’ve ever wondered why this is the case, there are a few good reasons.


It’s easy to make temperature adjustments quickly, and precisely. For example, turning down the flame makes a difference immediately if your rice is about to boil over. Unlike some electric hobs where you have to remove the pot from the hotplate and wait for the temperature to come down.


Some people don’t like the idea of a bare flame in the kitchen. However, the flame is a visual reference point that the temperature is live. Plus, once the flame is off, there is very little residual heat. This means less wasted energy, as well as a safer kitchen environment. No matter what type of stovetop you choose, it’s always important to practice good kitchen safety to prevent fires and avoid injury.


Gas, as an energy source, burns cleaner than electricity so it’s the more environmentally friendly option. Additionally, saving electricity where you can is a great way to save some money. And, of course, when there’s a power cut, you can still boil water and have a much-needed cup of coffee! 


A Gas and Electric Hob Combo in South Africa


Whether you’re shopping for an electric plate, ceramic hob, or gas, Defy offers a fantastic selection of ovens, cooktops, stoves, and ranges. Below you’ll find a few details about one of our favourite Defy gas and electric hob combos.


This dual fuel range cooker is the perfect example of a gas and electric stove combo. It comes with five gas burners and a multifunction oven operating system.


Here are its specifications:

●      5 gas burners

●      1 wok burner with twin flame (3.6kW)

●      Electric ignition

●      Flame failure safety device

●      Cast iron pan supports

●      Multifunction fan assist oven with conventional and grill settings

●      Mechanical timer

●      Utility drawer compartment

●      98-litre oven capacity

●      3-year warranty


Perhaps your dinner requirements don’t justify the full-blown range cooker. If that’s the case, there’s always the Defy 600 Series Gas Electric Stove. It comes with 4 gas burners and an electric, multifunction oven. Its 66-litre capacity makes it a compact option that will suit any kitchen without sacrificing the benefits of dual fuelling.


The Best Gas Hobs in South Africa


When you get a gas and electric stove combo you win the perfect balance of cooking benefits. Gas is easier to use on a hob and you can’t go wrong with an electric oven! Plus, having two different fuel sources means you can manage your home energy consumption better, and, your dishes will turn out perfectly every time.


Defy offers exceptionally built products and also offers fantastic shopping convenience. Did you know you can add your new appliance to your online shopping wishlist? Simply head over to the Defy website and click on “where to buy” when viewing the stove you like.


Defy has been South Africa's number one appliance brand since 1905.

