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DGS 601: Defy 60cm New York Multifunction Turbo Gas Stove - Inox

DGS 601
DGS 601
DGS 601
DGS 601
DGS 601
DGS 601
DGS 601

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DGS 601: Defy 60cm New York Multifunction Turbo Gas Stove - Inox

Width 1 cm
Hob Type Gas
Color of Product Silver Inox
Dimension (cm)
0 Height
0 Width
0 Depth

Tech Specs

Key Features

Main Cavity - Oven Type

Gas Cooking

Display / Timer

No Display

Main Cavity - Door Opening Type

Drop down

Color of Product

Silver Inox

Hob Type


Hob Configuration

4 Gas
Hob Features

Hob Type


Hob Configuration

4 Gas

Ignition Type (Hob)

Push Button Ignition

Gas Safety Device (Hob)

Front Left

0.95 kW

Rear Left

1.70 kW

Front Right

2.9 KW

Rear Right

1.7 kW

Type of Pan Supports

Cast iron continuous pan supports
Main Cavity Functions

Fan Assisted Cooking

Conventional Cooking

Fan Heating

Bottom Heating with Fan

Top Heating with Fan

Bottom Heating

Top Heating Element


Main Cavity - Interior Light

1 x Round light (Rear)

Display / Timer

No Display

Main Cavity - Inner Door Type

Full Glass (Fixed)

Enamel Color


Main Cavity - Door Opening Type

Drop down

Color of Product

Silver Inox



Main Cavity - Grill Type

Gas Grill
Performance & Consumption

Installed Gas Type


Gas Type/Pressure (Spare Parts)

G30, 28-30 mbar (LPG)

Voltage (v)


Frequency (Hz)