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WK 4215 G: Small Kitchen Appliances(Kettle)

WK 4215 G
WK 4215 G
WK 4215 G
WK 4215 G
WK 4215 G
WK 4215 G

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WK 4215 G: Small Kitchen Appliances(Kettle)

Body Material(KE) Plastic
Color(KE) Black

Tech Specs

Functions & Features

LED Illumination(TEM)

Keep warm tray

Boil-dry protection

360° base(KE)

360° Swivel Cordless Usage

Transparent water level indicator

One Touch Opening Lid

Automatic switch-off(KE)

Key Features

Body Material(KE)


Keep warm tray

Boil-dry protection

LED Illumination(TEM)

Resistance Type


360° base(KE)

360° Swivel Cordless Usage

Cordless (KE)

Transparent water level indicator

90° lid(KE)

One Touch Opening Lid

Automatic switch-off(KE)



Lime Filter

Cable Rewinder(KA)

Design & Materials

Body Material(KE)


Resistance Type


Transparent water level indicator

90° lid(KE)

One Touch Opening Lid



Cable Rewinder(KA)