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Side by Side

results (5)


Defy 559L Naturelight Side by Side Fridge Freezer

Defy 559L Naturelight Side by Side Fridge Freezer DFF536
  • Led Illumination: clear view of the inside
  • NatureLight™ : Fresher produce, naturally with NatureLight


Defy 555L Naturelight Side by Side Fridge Freezer

Defy 555L Naturelight Side by Side Fridge Freezer DFF547
  • Led Illumination: clear view of the inside
  • NatureLight™ : Fresher produce, naturally with NatureLight


Fridge Freezers(Side by Side)

Fridge Freezers(Side by Side) DFF538
  • Led Illumination: clear view of the inside
  • NatureLight™ : Fresher produce, naturally with NatureLight


Defy 614L Naturelight Side by Side Fridge Freezer

Defy 614L Naturelight Side by Side Fridge Freezer DFF563
  • Led Illumination: clear view of the inside
  • NatureLight™ : Fresher produce, naturally with NatureLight


Defy 496lt Elegant Black Glass Side by Side Fridge Freezer

Defy 496lt Elegant Black Glass Side by Side Fridge Freezer DFF456
  • Led Illumination: clear view of the inside
  • NatureLight: Elevate freshness with NatureLight
results (5)